I typically don't like birthdays. Actually- I've mostly HATED them.
I've made myself feel like I am "lacking" because I've never really fit the mold of "where I should be in my life" box.
Funny how every single year that passes this gets more and more ridiculous to me. I mean, not all those who wander are lost.....
This birthday, I feel like the luckiest girl in the world. Literally. I feel like no one is more full than I am with life. Years have become like a cracker jack prize (insert age appropriateness here)- WHAT'S THE NEXT PRIZE?! What's the next thing I am going to know? What else am I doing that is stupid and wasting energy??
I feel lighter, happier, and present. I asked myself, what are you doing differently? What have you learned? Here's a few bullet points for your review:
- It's all about them- not about me. Other's reactions/moods- it's their "stuff" coming up- not mine.
- If something is hard to do- I need to do it MORE. The more I do it- the better I'll get at it. If something makes me uncomfortable- I should do it twice.
- Every aspect of my life is connected. Work. Friends. Relationships. Alone time. All of these things can compliment each other or conflict- it's up to me.
- Laughing is like a Ibprophen/Xanax/wine cocktail (not that I know...)- and available for free at any time. No Rx required....And EVERYthing is funny. All things have humor- even in all the stuff that isn't going as planned.
- Friendships have different definitions to different people. AND THAT'S OK.
- I cannot change people.
- "You are enough. You don't need another person, place or thing to make you whole. God already did that. Your job is to know it."- M. Angelou
- Yoga is a great way to turn off the hamster wheel in your brain. It also is therapy. Call your therapist now and cancel your next appointment- go to yoga. And then be quiet....
- I can control absolutely nothing. No matter how hard I try.
- Love isn't heavy.
- Respect has to be earned, not forced.
- Expectations are a guaranteed pathway to disappointment.
- Altruism is a major key to happiness. New word for me- new way of life. Volunteering is a big one for me. Spending time with the homeless women of the Raleigh has really been fulfilling- in so many ways. Also LISTENING is such a huge form of altruism for those around you who need an ear.... Looking someone in the eyes when they speak- can be the biggest part of a conversation.
- Church. Knowing that God is present in my life in everything that I do is not only comforting- but helps me feel secure. I've finally found a church that gives me what I need spiritually.
- Family is important. Even if you don't need them, they need you. And they're sorry for all the bad stuff and want to give you all the good stuff- even if they don't know how. So forgive them. They did they best they could at the time with the tools they had. I feel there are no exceptions to this. (trust me- I've tried to come up with many).
- Take care of your body and it will take care of you.
- Confidence comes internally- not externally.
- I am not a victim. Of any circumstance.
- LET. IT. GO. Every last bit of it. Everyday.
- A child's laughter fills every hole, missing piece, empty space, that I feel. A big shout out to my friends who had kids for me to benefit from their innocent youth.
Cheers to 37 years! I will enjoy this DAY. And look forward to every additional one I get to experience. Thank you all for your impact on my life- the good, the bad and the ugly. All of it is helpful and all of it is grace.