A word of advice I got today was "just start..." I asked a friend what they thought of me starting a blog. simple answer, complicated action. However, is it? Is it really that complex to just do what you want? My God! It seems we question everything these days... we say we don't care what others think but that is a boldface lie. I haven't even made this blog public yet and it's my 3rd entry. I told my friends to "keep it on the down low". Not because I don't really want everyone in the world to read, but because I don't want to hear negative things, or think that others are talking about me behind my back wondering why I would write such a thing, "why does she swear so much? she's not a lady". Why would she want to write? There's no way she can.... I've never seen her. She must have a lot of time on her hands... I'm exausted just thinking about it. What they don't know is I've really wanted to write a book. A blog is just easier and since I'm lazy... well....Then I remember... Just Start.
You want to work out more? Just start
(don't worry about the guito juice packers in the gym and how they will look at you)
You want to dump your boyfriend? Just start
(start the process of getting yourself mentally ready because you don't need his sorry ass anyway. See blog#1)
You want a new job? Just start
(start looking and stop being lazy and complaining about your job. you are lucky you have one quite honestly. See blog#2)
You want to relocate? Just start
(looking for a place, temporary or permanent, a job, and your balls, because you are going to be so much happier when you do it)
I like that. Just start. I did... and now I can't stop. Funny how you can't get enough when you do something you love and feel good about. Thanks TC.
This is Awesome!!! Miss you & All the laughs :)