Monday, January 27, 2014

Challenging your awareness.....

I want to write about something that I feel like these days people deny even exists anymore. 


Did I make you uncomfortable?  Did you roll your eyes?  Are you even going to continue to read this?

If you think that it doesn't exist... you are truly mistaken.  It's not talked about much.  People do a really good job of turning a blind eye....But mostly because as a society we've made it "socially unacceptable".  However,  the bottom line is it still goes on every single day.   

People of the same race-even in the WORK place- speaking demeaning comments race related.
really people?  you are in a professional environment, #1.  #2, for the record... if you are white, and you are making a joke about another race, I'm uncomfortable and immediately have zero respect for you moving forward.  I made a mental note to never trust your morals or your judgement.

Parents denying their children because they married another race, or had an interracial child.
What do you see when you look into your daughters eyes?  You love them unconditionally right?  By unconditionally do you mean, only if they don't marry or birth a child by someone of another race?  Because that's what I've seen.  I've also seen with my own eyes, people who deny their feelings for someone because, "there's no way I could bring that person home to my parents."  THIS IS OUR REALITY PEOPLE. It's not just their problem....

Let's stop acting like this *ish doesn't happen.  It does.  I see it almost everyday.  I've EXPERIENCED it.  I've gone out with a GIRLfriend of mine who's black and gotten stared at.  Lingering looks. Felt the thoughts.....

I'm not sure if you are aware, but people can see your face.  See your eyes.  Feel your energy.  Sense your judgement.  You don't have to say a WORD. 

Oprah had a life class a few weeks ago on Colorism.  Passing judgement and racism within your own RACE.  Light skinned, dark skinned.....and all shades in between.  That show tore me up.

The Butler- haven't seen it?  Well you should.  Hotel Rowanda- that's a movie we can watch and say- "oh- that doesn't happen here, that's in other countries."  Wrong.  Just 60 years ago we couldn't even sit at the same tables.  Go to the same schools.  That's how our parents or grandparents lived.  The Butler does a really really good job of bringing the past to the present and showing you that not that long ago......

So yea, there is some lingering ignorance that we are trying to clean up.  You only know what you experience so if you grow up and learn and get taught that way, then that's all you know right?   WRONG.  Dare to be different, how do you think things changed anyway?  People challenged the "NORM"  People pushed back.  PEOPLE DIED, so that we could live this way today.  But to be honest, I'm not satisfied.  I'm not OK with where we are as a society on this issue.  I am ashamed that I see and continue to see racism

It's disgusting.  It's ignorant.  It cowardly.  It's shameful. 

I know one thing.  I'm only one person. One measly little 35 year old white girl who lives in Raleigh, North Carolina.... But I promise you this:  I promise to never surround myself intentionally with those that would make my loved ones of another race uncomfortable.  Period.  I promise to always say something when I hear derogatory shameful  verbiage coming out of an ignorant mouth.  I do it.  All the time. 

I may not be able to erase it.  But I can surround myself, my family, my children around all different races, religions, backgrounds, cultures... and on purpose.   If you are living in 2014 and you STILL DON'T KNOW that we are all the same, then shame on you.  There is no one way.  One right way to live or be. 

Be part of the solution.  Be part of the healing.  Be part of the acknowledgement.  Or you ARE the problem.  By laughing or turning a blind eye, you are exacerbating the issue and fueling the fire.  Stand up for something bigger. 

Think what you will, about me, about this blog.... But at least I am standing up for something I believe in, instead of allowing the norm to dictate my thoughts.

Equally accusing.  Equally loving,


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