Monday, March 12, 2012

Get your ass out there....

Almost anyone can relate to this mess.... putting yourself out there.
Are you single?
Know anyone that's single?
Are you separated?  Divorced?
Going through a breakup?
Went through a bad breakup, now in a dry spell?  Do you see dry brush blowing by?  Cobwebs?? (I know, too far....)

It's a known fact that sitting in your house, never going out, or doing anything will in no way find you the partner of your dreams. 

If you are at home playing the nobody-likes-me-everybody-hates me game.... FAILURE.

If you are spending more time on chores then you are on play dating.... FAILURE.

Now listen, I LOATHE dating.  I'm not good at it.  Never have been. I have a big mouth, (i know, shocker...) I will ALWAYS at some point say the wrong thing.  I swear I live by the motto, open mouth insert foot.  And to be honest, I can tell in the first 30 seconds if I like you or not, if I am attracted to you.... if I feel that connection.  So yeah, it can be a waste of time.  Spending an hour getting ready for a date that you know in 30 seconds you'd rather drink a raw egg then ever make out with this person.... and boom.  It becomes a waste of a looking cute night. 

Maybe a single friend wants to speed date.... go WITH THEM.  If nothing else, it'll be the funniest night you've had in a long time. 

Everyone has some rules to live by when it comes to dating... someone told me recently that their sister would ask them, "did you box it?"  Meaning, did she take the rest of her meal home.  This meant the date basically blew.  Because she would never box a meal on a first date with a guy she had sparks with.... she said that was super tacky (what a complex she gave me!  I ALWAYS get a box.  Waste food?!  F THAT!)

But if you are single, man or woman, you need to be open when friends/family/co-workers want to "hook you up with this person they know...".  Or your wing man calls and wants to go out for happy hour (and you just had the longest day of your life), sometimes the last thing you feel like doing is going out on a Friday after a hellacious week at work, but you know what, you must get your ass out there!! 

If you don't want to share your personal life and get on a blow horn asking, "KNOW ANYONE THAT'S SINGLE?" then fine, I know Eharmony and Match would love to take your money.  I hear even Christiansingles has several mingling singles......HOOK YO'SELF UP!

If you never go out, if you never go on dates, if you never get "hooked up" you will NEVER know.  And think about it like me... use it as practice.  If I go on an actual date date, and I am not sure about the person, I consider it play time, practice for the big game.  The more nervous and shy you are, the less attractive it is.....period. Man or woman.  Blind date or not. 

If you refuse to put yourself out there, get up and get out, then do not come up to me and say you cant find someone.  Your friends will want to punch you out.  The bottom line is... you just never know.  You may go out on a blind date....and before you know it.... be the happiest you've been in a while!  Trust me, I know a friend who can relate.

Anyway, I'm just saying.....people don't marry themselves.  (although this would be amazing), dates don't just get scheduled on your calendar, and the one just doesn't come a knockin' at your door.

So cry over your heartbreak... and MOVE ON.
File your divorce.... heal... and then use HAPPY HOUR in your vocabulary as often as possible.
Mistakes are mistakes.  Learn, grow, meditate, and then FLIRT YOUR ASS OFF.

You'll be glad you did....maybe, just maybe, it'll put a smile on your face....

Game on people,


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