Thursday, January 24, 2019

Are You Over Yourself?



Saying I’m sorry when you’re wrong.

These are 3 of the most difficult things a human faces every day.  We are prideful.  We are stubborn.  We are always right…. RIGHT?  We mean well, so that should be enough.  Our intentions were good.  We didn’t intend hurt or harm.
Image result for self awareness

Yet there it is.  Your mistake.  The hurt you caused.  The wrong turn you decided to take with a customer at work….staring you in the face.  At work, with your child, with your significant other, with your Mom….
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I have found in my 40 years for self-awareness to be the absolute most powerful tool I have against everything in the world that can Take. Me. Down.  Take away my career. Take away the love of my life.  Take away my family.  In my opinion, it is literally the human kryptonite. 
Why then, is it so hard?

Well, basically you are admitting that you made a bad call.  You fucked up. 
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Regardless of your beautiful intention.  Regardless of your will to want the world to be a better place. 
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You know what the good news is? 

Everyone.  Literally, every one becomes at ease with a person who reverts back, looks within, thinks and says, “You know what, you were right and I fucked up, and I’m sorry”.

This happened to me today.  The funny thing about it is, I felt like I ran into a brick wall going a thousand miles an hour.  Ok.  That was not funny at all actually.  When someone holds a mirror up to your face and says, “LOOK AT WHAT THE HELL YOU ARE DOING?” and your mind, your heart, your soul and your common sense decide to play nice at the same time, that shit does NOT feel good.  It’s like I was in a bubble, going about everyday life and BOOM.  Bombs dropped.
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And you know what?  As hard as it was to hear.  As hard as it was to sit with my introspection self-awareness all day all alone and wrong, but man it was good.  And healing.  And invigorating.  And it gave me life.  Because I refuse to sit in my own shit.  I won’t do it.  I never have and I never ever will.  Surround yourself with those that provide mirrors to you. Please.  It will be the single most difficult thing you will ever do, but if you can get over yourself….. my God the joy of growth. 
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Those stairs of life?  I climbed a few today.  And that shit fueled my soul.  I will not let the pride of being a human suffocate my humility to treat those I love with dignity and respect.  It’s taken me 40 years, and every day it takes less and less time to get over myself.
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Ah, the joy of getting the fuck over yourself.  The freedom it provides.  The ROOM it creates for joy and unconditional love to move it and wiggle its way into the space that pride and resentment resided. 

I wish for you a moment of getting the fuck over yourself this week. 

Happy New Year Ya’ll,

Humble Hoss

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