Wednesday, November 9, 2011

You've got to risk something in life....

It's one of the hardest concepts to grasp.  Risk.  There are way to many emotions associated with it depending on that other 4 letter word... your PAST. 

Human nature is satiated by repetition.  By the familiar... a routine.  So when anything alters that or requires someone to go outside their comfort zone, it's a risk.  But how can you ever get what you want without taking one? 

Applying to buy a home is a risk.  I took it back when I should have been laughed at and one year later owned a home. 
Looking for another job is a risk.  Are you good enough for the jobs you are applying for?  3 years into applying for jobs working at one I LOATHED, I finally got one I deserved.   I knew I couldn't have gotten it on my own but would knock out of the park.  1 year into it I am truly happy.
Relationships are probably our biggest risk.  Giving emotions is so much harder than giving time, money, or knowledge (like I'm droppin on you right now).  It's very simply just. not. the. same.

Every time we give ourselves and it doesn't work out to our expectations, a few more bricks go up on the wall of "you can't have my emotions" corner.  I'm not going to get on a soap box about this... all I am saying is unless you take the risk, you'll never know that you CAN buy that home.  You ARE good enough for that job, and you DO deserve that person.  Stop stacking unnecessary bricks.  Pretty soon you won't be able to see over the top.

Listen, the guys on Millionaire Match Maker aren't so successful because they live at home with their mommy's eating bon bons.  ;)  They took risks. 

So the next time someone says to you, "You've got to risk something in life...."  Just dive in.  Whats the worst that can happen?  You'll be where you are right now

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